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Shabbat Parah - Shabbat of the Red Heifer - Hebcal

Shabbat Parah / שַׁבָּת פּרה

Shabbat of the Red Heifer 🕍

Shabbat Parah for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on and ends at nightfall on . This corresponds to Parashat Vayakhel.

Shabbat Parah (“Sabbath [of the] red heifer” שבת פרה) takes place on the Shabbat before Shabbat HaChodesh, in preparation for Passover. Numbers 19:1-22 describes the parah adumah (“red heifer”) in the Jewish temple as part of the manner in which the kohanim and the Jewish people purified themselves so that they would be ready (“pure”) to sacrifice the korban Pesach.

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Dates for Shabbat Parah

HolidayStartsEndsHebrew Date
Shabbat Parah 2022
Parashat Shmini
23 Adar II 5782
Shabbat Parah 2023
Parashat Ki Tisa
18 Adar 5783
Shabbat Parah 2024
Parashat Tzav
20 Adar II 5784
Shabbat Parah 2025
Parashat Vayakhel
22 Adar 5785
Shabbat Parah 2026
Parashat Ki Tisa
18 Adar 5786
Shabbat Parah 2027
Parashat Tzav
18 Adar II 5787
Shabbat Parah 2028
Parashat Ki Tisa
20 Adar 5788
Shabbat Parah 2029
Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei
23 Adar 5789


Shabbat Parah / שַׁבָּת פּרה

  1. maf: Numbers 19:1-19:22 · 22 p’sukim

Haftarah for Ashkenazim: Ezekiel 36:16-38 · 23 p’sukim

Haftarah for Sephardim: Ezekiel 36:16-36 · 21 p’sukim


The Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary (paid link)
Rabbi Michael Strassfeld
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (paid link)
Jewish Publication Society
Sefaria Tanakh
“Shabbat Parah” in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
Books (paid links)
The Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary

The Jewish Holidays
by Michael Strassfeld

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